C as in Culinary Curiosity … exploring my local kitchen heroes!

Exploring the world of Fine Dining in Vienna.

M as in Mugaritz & Martin Berasategui … a continuous culinary quest … part II

waking up after the mugaritz experience was like returning from an exciting journey to an unknown country. i was still in full admiration mode although we were just hours away from visiting martin berasateguiĀ another star on the culinary sky of san sebastians vast offer of haute cuisine restaurants. so what to do to overcome the … Continue reading

M as in Mugaritz & Martin Berasategui … a continuous culinary quest … part I

as a wanderlust infiltrated person with a disposition to good food, the ability to combine both of my rather pleasant addictions is probably the closest i can get to heavenly excitement. thank god there are others that share my craving for touring the chef’s global spectrum and so after last years NOMA experience this year … Continue reading